Cactus Day Spa & Total Beauty
Wednesday 2-6pm, Thursday 1-7pm, Friday 1-5pm, Sat 11-4pm
Location: 26 Vanderbilt Parkway, Commack, NY 11725
To schedule an appointment, call 516 383 8725
Unavailable due to covid
Taste and See... Naturally Delicious!
H.E.L.P. Bites, Organic*Non-GMO, Gluten, Dairy, Soy &
Peanut Free, Delicious, Nutritious, Chewy Granola Bite!
Purchase H.E.L.P. Bites www.helpbites.com
Live The Healthy Life You're Intended To Live! We Care!
MMMinistry Guest Speaker Reference:
MMMinistry unites with The Daniel Plan
For more information go to www.danielplan.com
'Heal Leaky Gut' Dr. Josh Axe
For more information go to draxe.com
Made To Crave Bible 'Food Matters' DVD
LysaTerKeurst Andrew Saul & Abram Hoffer PHD, MD
www.lysaterkeurst.com www.doctoryourself.com
Support Our Local Farmer: Raleigh's Poultry Farms Trader Joe's
335 Old Indian Head Road 5010 Jericho Turnpike
Kings Park, NY, 631 269-4428 Commack, NY 11725, 631 493 9210
'Heidi's Health Kitchen' with Heidi & Ivan North Shore Farms
HeidisHealthKitchen@gmail.com 40 Vanderbilt Parkway
631 774 8025 Fax: 631 663 3128 Commack, NY 11725, 631 499 8350
Vegan, Gluten, Dairy Free Treats! Organic & Natural Food Market
"It Works" www.itworks.com Montclair Records
Tightens... Tones... Firms... Fast & Lasting Results! Saint James, NY, 631 338 2483
To Try Today, Contact: Michael & Billy
Independent Distributor: Elsie Virella Audio, Engineer, Producer
[email protected] [email protected]
Samantha's Li'l Bit of Heaven Vessel Of Honor Messianic Fellowship
287 Larkfield Rd 287 Larkfield Road
East Northport, NY 11731 631 262 1212 East Northport, NY, 631 262 1212
www.samanthaslilbitofheaven.org www.VesselofHonorFellowship.org
True Love Missions The Eternal Planner w/ Rob Rennie
181 Knolls Drive "A different kind of Christian Talk"
Stonybrook, NY 11790, 631 387 5681 Christian Conservative Radio Podcast
Patty Smith, [email protected] Listen online anytime 24-7
www.TrueLoveMissions.com www.eternalplanner.com
Care Plus Wholistic, Inc, 516 356 8904 Women of Worth
Mariaehel Sammis, MSW ND 203 East Pulaski Road
Functional & Integrative Medicine, Huntington Station, NY 11746
[email protected] www.DebraValentin.com
Faith Spa Esstentials, Ingrid Smith Forever Green & FGXpress
@facebook.com/FaithSpaEssentials [email protected], 631 335 7995
www.faithspaesstentials.com www.healthypowerstrips.com
Bonnie Helfner DDS Dr. Brian Yonks, DC PC
645 Commack Road 15 Echo Avenue
Commack, NY 11725, 631 858 9800 Mount Sinai, NY 11766 631 476 4855
[email protected] Total Chiro Care & Wellness dryonks.com
Dr. Anthony & Sabrina Caliendo PC Magic Vinny, Retired Correction Officer
Practice Wellbeing Chiropractic Army Wrestling & Magic Show
239 N Wellwood Avenue 516 887 1515
Lyndenhurst, NY 11757, 631 226 4650 [email protected]
Pastor Karen Orlando Pastor Scott R Kraniak, Th, B-M.M.C.C.
P.O. Box 1434 Centerreach Bible Church
Smithtown, NY 11787 [email protected]
www.youtube.KarenOrlandoMinistries.com www.cbctruth.com
John Andrew Kay Pastor James Nemely
Maximizing Manhood Men's Ministry Gospel Alliance Ministries Int'l Fellowship
Pastor Cook Pastor Matthew Senn
www.pandashopeforhealing.com www.matthewsennministries.com
Lori Pagano, LSCWR Hippocrates
'Let Thy Food be Thy Medicine'
Alternative Research Doctors: Informative Websites:
Dr. Merocla articles.mercola.com
Dr. Palvesky healthimpactnews.com NVIC greenmedinfo.com
Dr. Suzzane Humphires youtube.com/watch?v=BpC0Tbb3dil
Dr. Eric L Zielinski BiblicalHealthPublishing.com
Wednesday 2-6pm, Thursday 1-7pm, Friday 1-5pm, Sat 11-4pm
Location: 26 Vanderbilt Parkway, Commack, NY 11725
To schedule an appointment, call 516 383 8725
Unavailable due to covid
Taste and See... Naturally Delicious!
H.E.L.P. Bites, Organic*Non-GMO, Gluten, Dairy, Soy &
Peanut Free, Delicious, Nutritious, Chewy Granola Bite!
Purchase H.E.L.P. Bites www.helpbites.com
Live The Healthy Life You're Intended To Live! We Care!
MMMinistry Guest Speaker Reference:
MMMinistry unites with The Daniel Plan
For more information go to www.danielplan.com
'Heal Leaky Gut' Dr. Josh Axe
For more information go to draxe.com
Made To Crave Bible 'Food Matters' DVD
LysaTerKeurst Andrew Saul & Abram Hoffer PHD, MD
www.lysaterkeurst.com www.doctoryourself.com
Support Our Local Farmer: Raleigh's Poultry Farms Trader Joe's
335 Old Indian Head Road 5010 Jericho Turnpike
Kings Park, NY, 631 269-4428 Commack, NY 11725, 631 493 9210
'Heidi's Health Kitchen' with Heidi & Ivan North Shore Farms
HeidisHealthKitchen@gmail.com 40 Vanderbilt Parkway
631 774 8025 Fax: 631 663 3128 Commack, NY 11725, 631 499 8350
Vegan, Gluten, Dairy Free Treats! Organic & Natural Food Market
"It Works" www.itworks.com Montclair Records
Tightens... Tones... Firms... Fast & Lasting Results! Saint James, NY, 631 338 2483
To Try Today, Contact: Michael & Billy
Independent Distributor: Elsie Virella Audio, Engineer, Producer
[email protected] [email protected]
Samantha's Li'l Bit of Heaven Vessel Of Honor Messianic Fellowship
287 Larkfield Rd 287 Larkfield Road
East Northport, NY 11731 631 262 1212 East Northport, NY, 631 262 1212
www.samanthaslilbitofheaven.org www.VesselofHonorFellowship.org
True Love Missions The Eternal Planner w/ Rob Rennie
181 Knolls Drive "A different kind of Christian Talk"
Stonybrook, NY 11790, 631 387 5681 Christian Conservative Radio Podcast
Patty Smith, [email protected] Listen online anytime 24-7
www.TrueLoveMissions.com www.eternalplanner.com
Care Plus Wholistic, Inc, 516 356 8904 Women of Worth
Mariaehel Sammis, MSW ND 203 East Pulaski Road
Functional & Integrative Medicine, Huntington Station, NY 11746
[email protected] www.DebraValentin.com
Faith Spa Esstentials, Ingrid Smith Forever Green & FGXpress
@facebook.com/FaithSpaEssentials [email protected], 631 335 7995
www.faithspaesstentials.com www.healthypowerstrips.com
Bonnie Helfner DDS Dr. Brian Yonks, DC PC
645 Commack Road 15 Echo Avenue
Commack, NY 11725, 631 858 9800 Mount Sinai, NY 11766 631 476 4855
[email protected] Total Chiro Care & Wellness dryonks.com
Dr. Anthony & Sabrina Caliendo PC Magic Vinny, Retired Correction Officer
Practice Wellbeing Chiropractic Army Wrestling & Magic Show
239 N Wellwood Avenue 516 887 1515
Lyndenhurst, NY 11757, 631 226 4650 [email protected]
Pastor Karen Orlando Pastor Scott R Kraniak, Th, B-M.M.C.C.
P.O. Box 1434 Centerreach Bible Church
Smithtown, NY 11787 [email protected]
www.youtube.KarenOrlandoMinistries.com www.cbctruth.com
John Andrew Kay Pastor James Nemely
Maximizing Manhood Men's Ministry Gospel Alliance Ministries Int'l Fellowship
Pastor Cook Pastor Matthew Senn
www.pandashopeforhealing.com www.matthewsennministries.com
Lori Pagano, LSCWR Hippocrates
'Let Thy Food be Thy Medicine'
Alternative Research Doctors: Informative Websites:
Dr. Merocla articles.mercola.com
Dr. Palvesky healthimpactnews.com NVIC greenmedinfo.com
Dr. Suzzane Humphires youtube.com/watch?v=BpC0Tbb3dil
Dr. Eric L Zielinski BiblicalHealthPublishing.com

God has spoken to me throughout my life from when I was a young girl. I always new that he was there for me through the good and bad. Almost 8 years ago I was in a serious car accident that changed my life. He moved my mountain! I left behind the corporate world as a marketing professional of 18 years, adopted my beautiful daughter from Russia and opened a Daycare and Preschool. I was already a mom of a beautiful 5 year old girl and was exhausted with all the demands in my life. God closed some doors and opened others that revealed to me how powerful he is. Recently I faced a new change in my life leaving behind my preschool after 10 years. This time I had the wisdom to trust in him and that gave me such peace. That is when MMMinistry came into my life!. After attending Sallyann's first session in Nutritional healing, I felt drawn to this ministry. At the time I didn't realize that God was going to use my gifts of marketing and business to help her fulfill her dream. God was moving me again! He brought us together and then sealed the deal. I feel so blessed to be a part of a ministry that will transform lives through prayer, worship and nutritional guidance.
Blessings your way, Diane Russo
I know time flies and it doesn't come back. Whatever decisions I've made in my life led me to trials and accomplishments. My decisions became the outcome of my life. In my early years, I've experienced both trials and accomplishments. Yes, I've learned from my trials. They left an impressionable mark me. Thank God, Jesus helped me leave my past behind and experience all things as a new creation!!!! Amen, praise God!!!
All my life I struggled with overweight issues! I was unaware of how it could affect my health long term! I was speaking to a friend at church about my recent health issues and he shared with me: “You should speak to SallyAnn, I am sure she could help you!” This was the beginning of a journey, to move my mountain! SallyAnn invited me to her class. I joined MMMinistry Nutrition Program and enjoyed every one of the sessions!!! Upon receiving the message the Lord called her to share, I was able to understand the importance of living healthy! I am aware of how to help heal my body! I am excited to join the MMMinistry Team with my gifts and talents. I trust the Lord will fill us with wisdom and knowledge, heal many supernaturally and lead us to live a healthy lifestyle. The most important decision I've made is to accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior, forever! I am determined to live healthy, one day at a time! I thank God for SallyAnn and for Moving Mountain Ministry. Everyone has a mountain and only God can move it! It is my decision and determination to trust God will heal us! This blessing is a testimony of God’s power in us!!! God bless you! Helen Aponte
Blessings your way, Diane Russo
I know time flies and it doesn't come back. Whatever decisions I've made in my life led me to trials and accomplishments. My decisions became the outcome of my life. In my early years, I've experienced both trials and accomplishments. Yes, I've learned from my trials. They left an impressionable mark me. Thank God, Jesus helped me leave my past behind and experience all things as a new creation!!!! Amen, praise God!!!
All my life I struggled with overweight issues! I was unaware of how it could affect my health long term! I was speaking to a friend at church about my recent health issues and he shared with me: “You should speak to SallyAnn, I am sure she could help you!” This was the beginning of a journey, to move my mountain! SallyAnn invited me to her class. I joined MMMinistry Nutrition Program and enjoyed every one of the sessions!!! Upon receiving the message the Lord called her to share, I was able to understand the importance of living healthy! I am aware of how to help heal my body! I am excited to join the MMMinistry Team with my gifts and talents. I trust the Lord will fill us with wisdom and knowledge, heal many supernaturally and lead us to live a healthy lifestyle. The most important decision I've made is to accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior, forever! I am determined to live healthy, one day at a time! I thank God for SallyAnn and for Moving Mountain Ministry. Everyone has a mountain and only God can move it! It is my decision and determination to trust God will heal us! This blessing is a testimony of God’s power in us!!! God bless you! Helen Aponte
Hi...I'm Robin Ostrowski. I graduated from Cortland University with a degree in Physical Education. I've worked over 10 years in NYC for a physical therapy facility. I set up my own Training Program at 'The Palace Hotel Spa', in Manhattan. I was quite successful as a trainer...or so I thought.
The birth of my daughter became the turning point in my life. I felt misplaced and lost. Daily life expectations overwhelmed me and my life was no longer mine... Stepping into the role of taking care of a home, a depressed husband, and a baby that cried every 20 minutes left me feeling very sick most of the time. My joy of exercising, now made me feel worse! The doctors had no other solution but to give me anti-depressants and muscle relaxers. I knew this was not the answer. I just wanted the pain to stop! I didn't know then, this was part of some lesson God was taking me through.
I began looking for divorce support groups. They all met in the evening and I cared for my daughter. I found a women's group that met at 10am. I wasn't sure what type of support group it was, but it didn't matter it worked within my schedule. It was a bible study and I was not religious! They asked, "How God's grace touched your life?" I told them, " It hasn't and maybe I don't belong here." The woman running the group said,"Oh, I didn't mean to discourage you. We hope you stay and know you are welcomed." I stayed, went to every class, and even began going to Sunday church service with some of the wonderful women from the group.
The lessons I learned helped me begin to gain strength, finally some healing, and would you believe, how God's grace could touch my life!
I see exercise as a way to strengthen my spirit not just my muscles. I have learned about internal exercises that allow us to release some of the pain and open up to God's love. I am excited to share all of this with you and watch you grow through Moving Mountain Ministry.
Blessings.... Robin Ostrowski
I'm, Pam Donnelly is a wife, mother of “two", NYS AADP Holistic Health Coach, founder of Return To Eden Holistic Health Corp., praise dancer and forever a child of God.
I was blessed with the experience of meeting, Sally Ann, at the NAVEL Health Expo, on Long Island, 2012. The moment we met there was so much excitement. Sally Ann is so full of life, so full of God with a burning passion to educate His people on His plan for healing. After speaking for a few minutes we realized we had attended the same school, IIN. I was overjoyed to meet a woman in love with God who had a passion for healthy eating and living according to the Word of God. Both of her sons are in recovery from Autism, through nutrition, education and prayer. This revealed to me that Sally Ann, does not just talk the talk, she walks what she talks.
The Lord’s healing hand and direction upon her two sons with Autism is not a normal occurrence, yet it is an attainable one as we trust in God’s plan and purpose according to His will. Sally Ann and I discovered that she and her son are writing and designing a series of children’s books and I just started a publishing company. I am also an author. Soon to be released my book entitled “Believe! God In Me, God In You”.
I later found out that God had given her a wonderful vision called ‘Moving Mountain Ministry’. I loved this idea and knew it was God! I was led to support this vision anyway God enabled me too. Joining with Sally Ann, I have reaped rewards that I had not expected. Her fire is contagious and uplifting and this beautiful fire lit a new freshness in what God had purposed in my life. Sally Ann receives direction from the Lord and she runs with it, quickly… in obedience! She brought me into remembrance of things I had become somewhat distracted from.
Joining MMMinistry’s Team has supported me as I move into tighter alignment with my Father in heaven. It is a blessing and an honor to work with a visionary that shares a great big piece of Daddy’s heart. I am blessed by the Team’s knowledge and this encourages me to share my heart with all of you. I have witnessed many people receiving so much from this absolutely Free ministry program, for example; education, healing, love, prayer and a support group; along with a healthy array of Organic Rainbow foods.
This is only the beginning for ‘Moving Mountain Ministry’, Sally Ann and I. I am truly excited to see what God has on the horizon for us!”
Pam’s heart is led to share, “Agree To Be Free”, 11/19/14. I pray you are blessed by our dear sister, MMMinistry Praise Dancer and Guest Speaker:
Pam Donnelly… Amen
I'm, Pam Donnelly is a wife, mother of “two", NYS AADP Holistic Health Coach, founder of Return To Eden Holistic Health Corp., praise dancer and forever a child of God.
I was blessed with the experience of meeting, Sally Ann, at the NAVEL Health Expo, on Long Island, 2012. The moment we met there was so much excitement. Sally Ann is so full of life, so full of God with a burning passion to educate His people on His plan for healing. After speaking for a few minutes we realized we had attended the same school, IIN. I was overjoyed to meet a woman in love with God who had a passion for healthy eating and living according to the Word of God. Both of her sons are in recovery from Autism, through nutrition, education and prayer. This revealed to me that Sally Ann, does not just talk the talk, she walks what she talks.
The Lord’s healing hand and direction upon her two sons with Autism is not a normal occurrence, yet it is an attainable one as we trust in God’s plan and purpose according to His will. Sally Ann and I discovered that she and her son are writing and designing a series of children’s books and I just started a publishing company. I am also an author. Soon to be released my book entitled “Believe! God In Me, God In You”.
I later found out that God had given her a wonderful vision called ‘Moving Mountain Ministry’. I loved this idea and knew it was God! I was led to support this vision anyway God enabled me too. Joining with Sally Ann, I have reaped rewards that I had not expected. Her fire is contagious and uplifting and this beautiful fire lit a new freshness in what God had purposed in my life. Sally Ann receives direction from the Lord and she runs with it, quickly… in obedience! She brought me into remembrance of things I had become somewhat distracted from.
Joining MMMinistry’s Team has supported me as I move into tighter alignment with my Father in heaven. It is a blessing and an honor to work with a visionary that shares a great big piece of Daddy’s heart. I am blessed by the Team’s knowledge and this encourages me to share my heart with all of you. I have witnessed many people receiving so much from this absolutely Free ministry program, for example; education, healing, love, prayer and a support group; along with a healthy array of Organic Rainbow foods.
This is only the beginning for ‘Moving Mountain Ministry’, Sally Ann and I. I am truly excited to see what God has on the horizon for us!”
Pam’s heart is led to share, “Agree To Be Free”, 11/19/14. I pray you are blessed by our dear sister, MMMinistry Praise Dancer and Guest Speaker:
Pam Donnelly… Amen